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- Spring is Here: Time to Clean Up Your Small Business -

Spring means dust-bunny cleaning and huge bouts of energy to do all of the things you didn’t do all winter. So why shouldn’t this kind of mentality apply to your business, too? It could mean making your website sparkle all over again, or cleaning out the business inbox you haven’t touched for a few weeks. Whatever it may be, de-cluttering aspects of your business is not only inspiring – it’s often helpful, too. Figuring out what’s good and what’s bad for your business can help your business grow when you make the right decisions.

Ship Those Files to the Cloud

Why are all of those files that you use daily (or never) still filling up your computer’s hard drive? More importantly, why are those files that you decided shouldn’t be crowding your hard drive now crowding your filing cabinets? If you want to lose something, one of the best ways to do it is by putting it somewhere that may be impossible to find later. Instead, upgrade. Cloud services are now affordable for just about any business, and you’ll be able to throw that filing cabinet out to make room for more important things.

Freshen Up Your Internet Presence

You’re probably aware that people tend to look up a product on their phone or tablet before purchasing it. It’s not exactly a new trend, but if you’re a business and someone wants to purchase something from you, you want to make sure you make an excellent impression on those who are looking you up. Make sure your website gets the right message across and that it’s user-friendly, mobile-friendly, and clean.

Restate Your Goals to Your Team

It’s never a bad thing to toss a reminder to your staff on what they should be focusing on. It’s easy to get a little lost on goals, especially if a lot is going on at your company. Just have a meeting and make sure you clear up anything that may be unclear before moving forward. This will help keep your team together and will move projects that need to get done ahead a little faster than everything else.

In the end, spring cleaning is necessary in life and it’s necessary in business, too. Don’t be afraid to change a few things if it makes your business better. Get the clutter out and bring the creativity in.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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