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- Need More Eyes on Your Content? Try StumbleUpon -

Have you ever stumbled around on StumbleUpon? It’s one of the most well-known and popular discovery engines. You can get lost for hours on random pages that the engine pulls up, in just about any category you can think of. The headline on their website is actually “StumbleUpon is an ocean of awesome,” because of their ability to find exactly what you didn’t know you were looking for. There’s even a rating system so it can learn what you prefer to look at and what you don’t want to ever see again.

You Can Use It for Your Business

StumbleUpon recently introduced something called “paid discovery.” Much like Facebook’s pay-per-click campaigns, you can submit content that can then be stumbled upon. The cost is anywhere from five to twenty five cents per page view, and you can choose a payment plan based on where and when you want your content to appear.

So Get Creating

Content marketing is powerful, and now StumbleUpon is giving you an excellent opportunity to share your content with the world, especially since the Stumbler has no idea whether or not they’re seeing sponsored content. StumbleUpon’s million plus views every month gives your business the chance to show a ton of people what you’re made of. You don’t have to advertise in a “in your face” way anymore.

Once you’ve created your content, you just have to create a Paid Discovery campaign. StumbleUpon suggests anywhere from two to ten articles or infographics a week. Set a limit on how much you want to spend each day directing traffic to each specific article, and then post by hitting “create a new campaign.”

Post content that people are going to care about, and make sure your post is educational, fun, or creative. You’ll be surprised how much traffic a single website can bring you.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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