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- LinkedIn Visual Profiles and Why You Should Use Them -

linkedin_logo-300x225LinkedIn has brought a new feature to the table, and it’s more important than ever that you learn how to use it. Now you get to tell your professional story in a series of pictures using LinkedIn’s Visual Profiles. Considering how much of the Internet is about pictures and images, LinkedIn made an excellent choice when it started to support this picture-based profile. The company says that you can now “have the ability to showcase your unique professional story,” which means you can “illustrate your greatest achievements in the form of stunning images, compelling videos, and more.”

How do you use this new feature to your advantage?

Remember that “Visual” Means More than “Photo”

The new Visual Profile feature means more than just a couple of good headshots and a picture of you and your favorite plate of food. Photos don’t tell a story on their own, but when they’re compiled correctly, they can take a reader (or interested employer) on a pretty fantastic journey. In addition, LinkedIn now supports videos and presentations, too, if you feel like spicing up your Visual Profile even more.

LinkedIn is More Social

Once you’ve uploaded photos, videos, and presentations, other people can comment on them. You can comment on their stuff, too, and start a conversation. This opens up an entirely new world on LinkedIn where potential employers and networking partners can communicate with you in a friendlier, informal way. Use this to collaborate with people you may not be able to collaborate with otherwise.

There is No Opt Out

Just because you decide you don’t like this new feature doesn’t mean it goes away. In fact, it doesn’t. You can’t opt out of the feature. With that said, you should understand that if you don’t use this feature to get creative and interesting, someone else that has your credentials will. The new Visual Profile can provide a competitive edge to either you or another, depending on whether you take advantage of it or not.

Are you ready to add new, colorful visuals to your profile? Then head on over to your LinkedIn account and opt-in today to start standing out even more to potential connections.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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