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- Windows XP Support Disappears April 2014 – Are You Prepared? -

Windows_Logo_by_reenanOn April 8th, 2014, Windows XP support will be completely discontinued by Microsoft. This includes security updates as well, which means if you’re still using XP, it’s time to consider an upgrade.

There’s no shame in still using the once popular Windows XP, but with 2014 approaching faster than you think, it’s more important than ever that you consider keeping your office secure by upgrading appropriately. Here are a few considerations for you to think about in the next coming months if you still have machines that run XP.

Windows 7 or Windows 8?

Both new Windows choices have their ups and their downs, and which one you decide to upgrade to completely depends on what your office needs. Don’t just assume since Windows 8 is the newest and shiniest that it’s the best for you, especially if you’re used to running XP in your office. Windows 8 is quirky, interesting, and being optimized for touch screens and mobile devices alike; Windows 7 is more straight forward and easy to control if you’re used to older versions of Windows. Windows 7 support will continue until at least 2016, with extended support (such as security and loophole updates) until 2020.

What Else Needs to Be Updated?

Chances are that if you run XP, you probably run some pretty outdated software. The good news is that there are tons of newer versions of useful programs that are either reasonably priced or free. Make sure you take stock of the programs you’d like to be compatible with your new version of Windows and see what’s on the market today.

How Will You Go About Updating Your Office?

Updating every computer can be tedious, albeit completely necessary in some cases. Consult a professional IT company in your area to see what will be the best way to approach such a huge change to your office. They can figure out how to make the transition as smooth and as easy as possible without blowing up your bank account.

So get ready, XP users, and make sure your next steps are clear before support fades away for good.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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