
The Valley’s Leading IT Company I Grapevine MSP

- ‘Tis the Season: Get Your Business Ready -

The holidays are coming, and your business should be absolutely prepared for the best – and the worst – of that time of the year. Here are a few tips to get you started on the right foot during these winter holidays.

Offer Promotions

If you sell a product that someone may buy for their friends and family, there’s no better time to offer free shipping than now. People love free shipping – even if they’re not saving a ton off of retail prices, they still feel like it’s a good deal if they get free shipping, especially if they already like your company.

Share Those Promotions

Send a special newsletter out to your clients and fans talking about the new promos you have available. If you get started now, you can hold an “early-bird” special on certain items or services.

Say Thanks

When someone buys a service or a product of yours because of the promo, send a specialized thank you note out to them with your brand and a coupon included. Make sure you’ve taken the time to write these cards by hand – as a small business, you usually can manage this, even if it’s a particularly busy season.

Make Special Promo Packages

Have you considered combining services and products to make holiday promotional packages? This won’t work for every company, but it certainly works for a lot of them.

And Finally – Don’t Get Burnt Out

The holiday season can be extremely busy, but it’s important that you take the time that you need to spend with your family and friends. Don’t get burnt out – take the time you need to keep yourself sane.


Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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