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- The “Smarty Ring”: Updates Straight to Your Finger -

finally-engaged-1411314-mThe Smarty Ring claims that a smartphone owner checks their phone upwards of 150 times a day – and then claims it can cut this number down significantly.

The Smarty Ring is a wearable gadget that hooks into your phone via Bluetooth and allows users to check any alerts or calls that come into the phone. You can even check the time in five different time zones, decline calls, and text your best friend.

The Smarty Ring does take a bit of front-end work, and will need to be set up via a mobile app that’s installed on your phone. Once everything’s set up, however, the Smarty Ring can do its job. While managing your alerts from texts to calls is pretty neat, the ring is capable of even more. For example, if you walk more than 30 feet from your phone, your ring begins to beep to let you know you’ve left an important electronic device behind. In addition, if the phone is lost or stolen, the ring can stay connected and track it down for you.

With regular usage, the ring – that only comes in a neutral stainless-steel at the moment – lasts about 24 hours before it needs a charge. It also doesn’t have any device it favors, although it isn’t quite Windows phone compatible just yet. Android and iOS are both supported, however, as long as they have Bluetooth 4.0 technology up and running.

Worried about your dog getting away? The Smarty Ring is also equipped to attach “trackers” to objects, pets, and even people. The tracker is usually in the shape of a ring and can be attached to a necklace or, of course, to a finger in the case of a child. While the tracker doesn’t have any clock, remote or notification features, it’s excellent if something is lost and you need to find it.

One of the most popular features of the new technology is that it doesn’t need a plug-in charger and thus doesn’t need a plug-in at all, which maintains the ring’s smooth inner and outer coat. In fact, the charger is wireless and is equipped to charge any smartphone as well as up to two Smarty Rings.

The Smarty Ring technology is in production now, but it hasn’t hit the market. The company that’s started the ring technology is still working on their Indiegogo campaign, but it’s expected to hit its mark and officially launch in about a week. The Smarty Ring won’t be available for Christmas, but as the technology is well under way, the Smarty Ring team expects to get them on fingers before mid-2014.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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