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- Skype Tweaks Service and Adds New Touch-Screen Capabilities -

For those of you who use Skype as a main form of communication since many teams are sprawled across the country – or sometimes, the world – the new Skype upgrades may be right in your corner of the market. Skype is huge for allowing people to make free international and, in limited environments, free video calls, and it’s gotten a little sleeker in the past few days.

On iPhone and iPad, the interface has gotten a nice upgrade that smoothes it out quite a bit. With new buttons and a fancy new header, it’s quite the aesthetic upgrade from the last version. The colors all seem to match quite nicely as well, and the contact view now shows contacts on the screen with smaller icons so more can fit than before.

The best and most noticeable upgrade of the new Skype platform is the ability to drag and drop your video preview anywhere on your screen, even during a call so if you need to zoom in or see something specific you can do so now.

If your Skype bugs out and shuts down while it’s running in the background, it will automatically restart now. Though this may seem like a small feature, if it’s vital you’re on Skype and you don’t want to check your phone every fifteen minutes, this enhancement might benefit you quite a bit. The people who upgraded the application at Skype say they also fixed a couple of hiccups and bugs and made the entire app a little faster with better accessibility so everyone can enjoy free conference calling.

The updates however do not apply to the PC version, but instead only iOS versions, like the version for your iPad, iPhone, and iPod. All these new features have been applied to all iOS and will be applied as soon as you choose to upgrade and, as always, are completely and utterly free to download.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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