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- IE Browser Rebound Not a Fluke -

Microsoft’s browser, Internet

Explorer, has seen quite a few nosedivesas of late when it comes to usage by the public. However, data released at the end of April seems to indicate that not only is IE making a recovery, the data from late last year that indicated the same idea was less likely a fluke and more likely an actual recovery of browser use.

Though the growth wasn’t astounding, the browser went from 53.8{7e4ee7cd997d36f6dec43befd6b19c37edf0959bbf61766e988f901dd91e96d7} of the main browser usage in March to 54.1{7e4ee7cd997d36f6dec43befd6b19c37edf0959bbf61766e988f901dd91e96d7} in April. This statistic only applies to personal computers and doesn’t yet include tablets or smartphone browsers.

However, the competitors such as Firefox, Chrome, and Safari have all stayed about level. Firefox dropped a meager .4 of a percent and Chrome rose .3 while Safari and Opera held level.

Part of the reason for the boost in IE usage may be the aggressive tactics Microsoft is using to push IE9, the newest upgrade to Internet Explorer. IE9 requires either Windows 7 or Windows Vista (and is also compatible with beta versions of Windows 8) which helps restore some of the original strength of the web browser. There is no prediction on how the newest version of the browser, IE10, will do with the launch of Windows 8.

Among mobile devices however, the story is quite different. The Safari browser – Apple’s only browser for all of their mobile products – dominated the market with 63.8{7e4ee7cd997d36f6dec43befd6b19c37edf0959bbf61766e988f901dd91e96d7} of the usage on mobile devices, an almost 3{7e4ee7cd997d36f6dec43befd6b19c37edf0959bbf61766e988f901dd91e96d7} increase from last quarter. Google’s Android browser grew slightly, and Opera Mini shrank slightly as well. However, as always the mobile market is volatile, so it’s no telling which browser will come out on top next.

Speculation believes that tablet and mobile phone browsing will take off in the next few years, but PC browsing is still where it’s at – it still holds just about 92{7e4ee7cd997d36f6dec43befd6b19c37edf0959bbf61766e988f901dd91e96d7} of total usage of the internet, and IE is still controlling it.

Picture Credit: Net Applications

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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