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- How to Make Your Twitter Presence Powerful -

Do you want a few easy ways to make your Twitter presence overwhelmingly powerful? While we all know how to use Twitter by posting “microblogs” to our Twitter feeds, do we really know how to use it to its fullest? Twitter is no longer an optional social media website like it once was. It has evolved to something necessary, and it’s important you learn how to use it. Below are just a few tips you should utilize.

Synchronize your Accounts

While everything that is posted to Facebook doesn’t need to be posted to Twitter and vice versa, sharing some of the same information is never a bad thing. You should establish a firm presence on both platforms, which means that sharing some of the same information to reach different audiences can mean more fans in the long run. You can connect the profiles together, or you can just post important, relevant information to both if you have the time.

Think Visually

Have you ever included a photo or video in one of your Twitter posts? Have you ever seen the kind of response most video and picture posts will get? It’s often a much bigger response than text only, and pictures do say a thousand words when you only have a few hundred characters to play with. Make sure your images are relevant, of course, and encourage people to interact with them.

Stand Out by Posting Frequently

Most businesses and business owners post when they can, and sometimes that makes their Twitter feeds look a little sporadic. Not having a solid posting schedule of some sort can really put a dent in your reputation. Posting too little can make you look flaky, and posting too often can make you look desperate. Once or so a day should be adequate. It will show that you’re active, but you also have other things to do.

Your Twitter presence doesn’t have to be complicated, but once you’ve got the hang of it, it can help your reputation as a business significantly.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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