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- How to Collaborate Effectively with Your Team -

Does your team work well together? Sometimes there are glitches and hitches than come with working with other people, especially if the team is spread across the country. However, due to technological advances, there has come an excellent opportunity to change and fix those issues and become a smoother, organized team. Here are a few ways to nurture that teamwork, even when you may be doing it from afar.

Use Proper Collaboration Tools

It’s always a good idea to use multiple tools to help your team collaborate in a seamless way. However, if you have several tools that just don’t work with one another, it can be difficult to use them all to their fullest benefit. They can also confuse your team and make it difficult to work together. For example, if two of your solutions both sync content with Facebook, your employees may not know which one to use on a consistent basis.

Work and Play More

Don’t be afraid to let your team step away from their computers sometimes. If face-to-face meetings aren’t possible, at least have a Skype meeting once or twice a week to make sure everyone is on the same page. These meetings should include formal discussions, but a little bit of fun should be in the cards as well. Unwind, play a game, and share ideas so your team can bond and find a way to work together more cohesively.

Don’t Be Afraid to Communicate

Your culture at your workplace should encourage your entire office to talk to one another about the good at the bad. This is one of the most important adjustments you need to make when it comes to having a stable team that works well together, despite any differences there may be.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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