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- How Customer Surveys Can Save You Money -

Did you know that finding a new customer can cost you almost seven times more than just keeping your old ones? While it’s good to go out and seek new customers, it’s an even better idea to focus on those you already have. But if you have a large customer base, it’s beneficial to find a way to make sure they stick around, but how do you do that when you have limited man power? The answer lies in surveys, like the types below.

Customer Satisfaction

We’ve all taken one or two of these, whether it’s over the phone or at a restaurant waiting for our check. If customer satisfaction is low, customers often get discouraged. The worst part about it is that the ones who are upset or don’t appreciate your service often don’t say much at all, but they will fill out a short survey to tell you, anonymously, how you are doing. Make sure your survey includes questions about how satisfied they are with the quality of your product, pricing, and delivery.

Customer Service

This is a great way to build customer loyalty. Let’s say you have several customers that complain about the amount of time it takes for you to get back to their emails. Now that you have that customer service feedback, you can actually do something about it – and announce that you are. Customer service surveys are a great way to get connected with your customer base and to improve your low points. People will notice and take note as well.

Customer Loss

Some companies assume since they have lost a customer, that customer is gone for good. Even when this is true, it doesn’t mean you can’t learn valuable information from someone who has left your company for another. It’s important to figure out what’s causing damage to your image and why customers prefer someone over you, even when those reasons may sting a little. Sometimes, just reaching out to lost customers can result in changing their attitude about your company, and you can keep them on a list and mail them when you’ve made the improvements they may have been waiting for.

Knowing your customer is essential to not only finding more of them and keeping the ones you have, but getting them to trust your brand and what it stands for as well. Trust is essential to your bottom line, and a bit of good customer service can make all the difference.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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