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- Firefox is Stepping up Their Game – Again -

Google Chome and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer have, together, dominated the browser domain since Chrome’s release a few years back. However, Firefox has started to play catch up these past few years – and not by choice, either, but because if they don’t, they’ll be pushed out of the game for good. So to counter the aggressive stances of the competition, Firefox is changing quite a lot about themselves to stay in the game.

Firefox’s 2012 Development Plan including new features that help users manage how they’re tracked on the web, use less memory while still getting top notch performance, and will also be bringing a plethora of Web developer tools as well as broadening their web apps and mobile browser. Firefox, as you know it, may not survive the planned 2012 transition.
The first quarter of the year brought updates like minor fixes being installed without a restart of the browser, and better developer and Web platform tools, but nothing that the competitors didn’t already have. Second quarter is going to bring another new layout for Firebox, an improved home tab and new tab experience, silent updates, and automatic tab restore. Many of these things Chrome and IE already have in place and Firefox isn’t the first to announce or use them.
But there are many loftier goals expected for the second half of 2012 as well. There is a new sharing tool that’s planned called “Firefox Share,” and an interface update they’re calling “Australis,” a new JavaScript Engine called lonMonkey and a e-mail based ID system that would allow people to log into Firefox and pull all of their settings from computer to computer with no limit on which e-mail they use, like Chrome has.
If all of these things can be successfully integrated into Firefox, it may have a fighting chance of staying in the game with its competitors, especially since it’s planning on competing with Facebook and Google via its new “Mozilla Persona,” a social networking site.
If Google stays on course with its upgrades and IE 10 is launched in October with Windows 8, it looks like it will be harder to compete with the companies on a long-term basis. Since Firefox has been put in the position where it has to compete with its competitors with new, innovative features and keep up at the same time with the ones IE and Chrome are presenting, it may not be long before we hear less of Firefox.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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