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- Did You Delete Something You Need? Tips on Restoring Files -


We’ve all been there – we’ve accidentally deleted something and then emptied the recycle bin before we even realized it was there. Sometimes it’s not that simple and data is corrupted due to a damaged drive. While many of us back up everything we need, sometimes this isn’t automatically done – or the data isn’t on a server. It might appear we’ve lost important data forever, but that isn’t necessarily true. Here are some tools you may be able to use to help you get that data back.

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard

This program is pretty good at what it does, and recovers data from an emptied recycle bin as well as a corrupted drive. The program even says it can recover data from memory cards and that it’s compatible with all Windows file systems (though not Apple products). Be forewarned, the product does have a two gigabyte limit, and so if you’ve lost more data than that, you’ll have to find another solution. If you only have a small amount of data to recover, or you’re using it for a personal use, this is a great, user-friendly recovery software.

MiniTool Mac Data Recovery

If you have one gigabyte of data to recover of less, and you use an Apple product, MiniTool Mac may be your saving grace. Like most data recovery programs, it can retrieve deleted files and can restore deleted files that have been deleted in the past. It can repair partitions as well if given enough time. The program only works on some iPods, and the recovery process can take anywhere from an hour to twelve, depending on what it’s looking for, and how much data it’s been asked to recover.

And Finally – Consult with Your Local IT Company

Many IT companies provide backup services, on-site and off-site – and some offer recovery services, too. Free and even paid programs may miss important data that you’re looking for, but a devoted team of experts can track down information that you believed would be lost forever by simply asking you what you’re looking for, something a program cannot do.

Whatever you deleted on accident, there is hope as a business owner to retrieve it by either using professionals or a program.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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