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- Chocolate Printer Hits the Market -

Chocolate Printer Announced Last Year Makes an Appearance

The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Counsel has finally brought something on the market that everyone may have an interest in: chocolate ink.

The 3D chocolate printer was announced in July of 2011 has finally started to do demo work. The printer uses specially designed heating controls and unique 3D CAD designs and turns them into chocolate creations. Currently, the machine can’t do anything with complicated detail, but since the announcement the council has advanced the technology with simple details and the ability to “stack” chocolate rows to make a layered design.

The “Choc Creator” is the brainchild of Liang Hao who designed it with heavy traffic bakeries in mind. Any chocolate concoction that can be warmed to a melting point can go into the printer, so the machine can be customized to a confectioner’s particular recipe for chocolate.

The printer’s creators currently have no plans of releasing this printer to the public, and it will likely not be available to anyone but uppercrust confectioner’s shops, however, there are plans to allow made-to-order creations over the internet. If you are a baker and may be interested in the chocolate printer, they are available for preorder now for a whopping $4,000. It can be ordered on Ebay beginning April 10th, and the suggested retail price of chocolates produced by the machine peek into the $50 range for a set of four custom letters.

This is just the next step in 3D technology, and more plans for even more spectacular 3D designs that do more than just chocolates are already in the works at the University of Exeter and Brunel.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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