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- Amazon’s Cloud Storage Reaches 1 Trillion Files -

Amazon’s S3 storage system launched in 2006. Since then, a trillion files have been uploaded onto the service. Jeff Barr, Amazon blog writer, stated that “that’s 142 objects for every person on Planet Earth or 3.3 objects for every star in our galaxy. If you could count one object per second it would take you 31,710 years to count them all.”

In addition, the count for objects on Amazon’s cloud server grows by nearly four billion objects a day, or 40,000 new objects a second. In the first year, Amazon’s cloud service only collected a little under 100,000 files. It now collects that many files in a little under three seconds.

These are incredible numbers, even considering that an object expiration program that removed some 126 billion files in the past six months. “In other words, even though we’ve made it easier to delete objects, the overall object count has continued to grow at a very rapid clip,” Barr blogs.

Amazon’s mission with its S3 device is to make it secure, fast, and scalable for any size business. Simple Storage Service is designed to make it easy for companies to access information universally. Not only is this quick and efficient, it’s green, too – Amazon says their service has saved thousands of trees in the past six years. S3 can be accessed anywhere, anytime, from any device on the Web. This service is valuable for just about anyone, from web designers to media content providers.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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