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- 4 Simple Tips to Help Keep Your Customers -

1235996_pencil-pusherEffective marketing will lead to customer’s contacting your business, via phone, walk-in, or email. Some believe this to be the goal to marketing, however, it only leads next phase in the actual sale. The most important, and often overlooked step, is to keep the customer there and to create loyalty. Here are four simple actions that can go a long way in creating long-term customers.

Clearly state what you sell. Some businesses are excellent at capturing attention with theories and ideas, but then, to visit their store or website, the customer really has to search for what is sold. The vague marketing can be intriguing, leaving the actual product or service open to the imagination. The customer makes several assumptions, based on what they read combined with what they need, but then are disappointed when they get the rest of the story. Use of clever web content and other marketing avenues will really draw attention to your business. Just be sure it is very visible what you are selling. A customer need that is inappropriately matched to your business can be detrimental over the long-term.

Explain why you are valuable. This could be a superior product, service, follow-through, or atmosphere. To advertise that your business is everything can be deceiving, and your potential customers would know that. To be excellent at all of them and superior with one would be honest. Whichever you choose, make sure to keep that your focus. A consistently communicated idea can go a long way to moving your customers to action.

Make it simple. A potential customer has found your business, and are eager to cement this new relationship, but they struggle to finalize the sale. Test your processes to make sure they are customer friendly and simple to understand. From your website, the customer should be able to understand, within seconds, how to contact your business and how to instigate a sale. Be sure it is clearly communicated on every page. It may also help to have multiple options, for example a phone number, email address, and/or physical location.

Follow-through. The relationship has begun when the sale is final, but that does not mean the contact is over. Customer loyalty begins when a business transaction is completed; by it is gained from ongoing contact. It is critical to know your customers to determine the best form of contact. Follow-up can be a simple phone call, email, or mailing. Then ongoing, be sure to maintain contact to keep a top of mind awareness.

The effort expended to find customers can be monumental, but the effort to retain customers can be simple procedures that are set. Take a moment to make sure your business has the necessary steps to generate customer loyalty. These valuable customers can be the easiest step to your future growth.

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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