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- 10 Ways Technology is Changing Business -

Orange GlowThe workplace of today is changing rapidly with mobile technologies and the internet. Technology is shifting the way we think and how we approach problems. This new empowerment is driving the future of business. Here are 10 ways that technology is changing the way business is done.

  1. Access. Employers and employees are just one click away from learning everything about the other. Typing a name of individual or business into a search engine can reveal a variety of information.
  2. Diversity. Employers are focusing on talent management and diversity in the workplace.  This varied pool of talent coupled with engaged employees, equals better producing teams.
  3. Personalization. Business is no longer the one size fits all; success is individually defined. More and more realize the value employees can have on business growth. Employee retention comes with offering personal development opportunities and flexible working models.
  4. Education. Collaborative relationships with college students, bridging the gap often involved with generation changes and also offering work experience to students.
  5. Mobility. Easy files sharing with co-workers and customers are critical in today’s business. The options from technology are making it easier for employees to work remotely, and still have access real-time and current information.
  6. Data. Big data. This factual information is readily available, and can be quickly organized for analysis and used to make decisions. More informed and calibrated decisions allow for businesses to respond to their markets quicker and more specifically.
  7. Insight. Business productivity can be improved with technology, but choices and decisions are still made by humans. Data aids in making tactical choices, and more technology solutions are offering ways to encourage and aid with human insight.
  8. Networks. The largest being the internet; granting instant access to knowledge and the intelligence of others. This is changing not only the way we work but how we learn and communicate.
  9. Cloud. Real-time interfacing by utilizing the internet for instant connectivity. Cloud computing allows several employees and/or customers to be engaged on the same project, at the same time. Eliminating the need for lengthy reviews and waiting for a response. This popular interfacing tool allows for allocation of all resources.
  10. Engagement. Marketing and product education is simply having the best product at the best price. Businesses need to focus on how their product or service can engage their customers. This engagement requires the appeal to all five senses; creating a complete customer experience.
Image credit: Creative Commons License Matthew Clark

Used with permission from Article Aggregator

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